Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Discuss, without Win or Lose...

What is the time now, 8:37 here. How are you there? It's 9:37, where are you? What you doing?

You tired or not? I miss You

I know I not suppose to Miss You like this.

We got 180 degree different thinking.

We are two different worlds.

Yes, you have your Own thinking. And yet! I also got...

Don't always thinked that I'm the wrong one, Okay?

What you said is all what I'm thinking right NOW.

You can said that I'm childish, but you can't take "childish" this word and make decision that I'm Wrong Always.

You thought I didn't think about it? I've asked all people around me, what should I do.

And, I've thinked about what you told me.

I know you thinked all is good for me. Only use your brain to think, not equal to my brain.

You sure will says "Atleast my brain is mature than yours"

See! I know all what you going to do, what you going to say.

My mom has some Australia friend's daughter, what they told my mom it's all the truth.

They succeed at the end.

I know you thinked that only rich people can do that.

Don't you forget still another something else in this world?

Alot things I've to tell you, but I not really dare to tell you.

We are not discuss, we are debating whether who correct who Wrong.

This is not I wanted, everything sure got it's own Advantages and Disadvantages

I want to talk nicely with you...

Now, "Chat" also very hard.

Do I have a chance to "Talk" with you?

-i'm wondering-


Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Second record

My second record

I've spend five hour on this today, because I really love to sing. No doubt.

It's not perfect, so I need to improve more more and MORE.

The first Record

You break break my break break my heart.

You broke my heart!

I didn't did any wrong this time.

I was just telling you my mom worried about it, and she find it out this few weeks alot breast cancer there.

"Which women din't have breast cancer? Why you so you zhi? I don't want talk with you liao?"

How many time you want continue to be like this?

Whatever, I just know to be myself. :)



Give some comment even if it's not perfect :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Im going to walk through

I'm going to walk through

Each section of love, need to go through hope and despair, hesitation and yes, smiles and heartbreak. Crying does not a matter, as long as ever smiling, after a miss, you are still love that person, and then recreation. There is no love without repeated validation.

Am I really understand what this sentence going to bring out the meaning?

How about you? The most important answer. :)

Have you ever think about where is the "Problem"?

What happen? Have you ever think how is my mood?

You express with this way? Or maybe I don't know you well?

:D I live with nothing, I forgot who I am.

I daze my life all these year, I draw my life with ugly colour pencil, sorrowful it's my choice.

Now finally, lazy worm growth inside my body.

Virus attack-ing me

I never counterattack

Don't do anything that can make you regret.

As I wish, I'm going to be win in this war.

Who say I can't make it? I prove it. :)


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm not going to quit...

(We can love until so deep and then to hate;

Hate and then change to love.)

It is related with our expectations. While you trying to Love

Someone, Something, Some places. You started to expect, when the expected loss, when hope become despair. The Hate will rise, began to feel disgust.

Otherwise, when you lay down the expect, outlet the hope

Hate and disgust will also dissapear

When the things that you do not expect give you some feedback

Naturally, you will gradually change from Hate to Love.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Home Sweet Home ;)


(Zai2 Nv3 You4 Chu1 Xian4 Le4.)

Today's Lunch, Steam Herbal Drumstick. *Slurpp*
Take A Shot for Myself :p

Mom Bought me a Present while We are shopping in Gurney.

The Body Shop's Face Care Set. :)

Thank You Mummy. You should think for yourself more. :)

Tonight's Main Course. :p

"O KUIH" Teached by Grandma :)

Brother & Sister :)

Daughter & Dad(Look Alike? SURE! xD)

Mom & Daughter(Look alike? ABO...) ;D

Finally! Going to OinkOink like PIG ^@^

Good Nights Zzz


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I feel ITs so Meaningful ♥

有一种女人, 她长得好平凡, 她在人群里并不是那么地出众, 她走过也不会让你再看她一眼, 她爱说话,她爱笑, 她的举止少了点女人味, 但她的身边却有无数的男人... 有人说,女人最重要是长得漂亮,长得漂亮才会有男人为她止步,长得漂亮机会会比别人多一点,把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮地才是女人,但现实中,你会发现,真正有男人缘的女人不一定都是漂亮的, 而是那个懂得说话,懂得笑的女人... 对一个男人而言, 女人的漂亮大多只是欣赏用途,一走出门,漂亮的女人满街都是,女人往往会认为,男人只喜欢结识漂亮的女性朋友,男人只喜欢找漂亮的女人当女朋友... 无可否认,这是每个男人的想法, 但 想法终究只是一个想法, 对男人而言,女朋友最重要是贴心的, 就好比女人挑男人是一样的, 年轻的时候,女人总是 沉迷于帅哥, 但随着年龄的增长才意识到, 自己需要的不只是帅哥, 而是一种叫做安全感的东西... 其实,男人也一样, 年轻时,男人总是喜欢追求美女, 虽然长大后也一样, 但对男人而言,一个可以说话的女人, 比 一个长得漂亮的女人来得更重要, 如果要一个更准确的说法, 男人想要的是一个既漂亮, 又能读懂自己心里话的女 人... 大清乾隆皇帝就是一个例子, 虽然有着后宫嫔妃三千, 但乾隆却独爱香妃, 因 为香妃, 是唯一一个能读懂他的心的女人, 对一个男人而言, 一个堪比红颜的爱人, 比一个倾国倾城 的美女来得更重要... 作为一个女人, 要让男人止步你必须要漂亮, 要让男人为你留下, 你 就必须读懂他的心, 却不伤害他的自尊, 你可以对他的一切了如指掌, 却要懂什么能说,什么不能说, 因 为男人总是比女人小气的, 虽然他的表现是如此的大方... 一个男人不会喜欢对太强的女人说出心底话, 因 为他会自卑, 因为他会觉得自己很没用, 偏偏他却又爱在爱人面前逞能, 如果想要留着一个男人, 最 简单的方法就是在他逞能时, 不灭他的威风, 在他最软弱的一刻时, 也装作没有看见一样, 待他主动 开口了,才开始安慰他... 不是男人都喜欢傻傻的女人, 男人不过不喜欢自己的女人比自己强, 女 人,如果你要明白一个男人, 你要学会微笑,学会不计较, 男人向来都是吃软不吃硬的, 学会微笑,让他觉得你不在 乎, 学会不计较,让他自己觉得惭愧, 学会不理会,让他觉得没有得到你, 学会不过问,让他自己说出口, 学 会不依靠,你才有骄傲的资格... 让一个男人爱上你,只需要漂亮, 留着一个好的男人,却需要本事, 这 世上没有不会变心的男人, 只有不会锁住男人心的女人..

For Those people who Dont Know How To Appreciate A Person that Love them so much :)

A Girl found a monk who speaks her mind.

She said:"I cant leave something, does not fit some people."

Monk said:"Nothing is fit."

She said:"These things and people I tend to not let go."

Monk asked her carried a cup, fill them with hot water has been poured into the water overflow.

She release her hand immediately.

Monk said:"There is nothing in this world is not fit, when you feel pain, you will naturally let go."

You may feel sad, because no matter how good you are for him, he did not appreciate, he can see it, he also can feel it, he was just pretending not to see or he did not want to think about you. Even thought no one could love him like you, you've tried your best to see him much more important than everything.

When you cannot contact him, you worried. Going to crazy.

But you have not thought, this is not your responsibility, and most likely, he is hiding from you because he scare to stand you. Dont keep text him or find him. For you, even that you got nothing to say, but just want to talk with him.

You feel that is normal, not demanding that, does not asking for anything.

He maybe wont take note to what you've tell.

Maybe your idea does not mean to his idea, your plan not same as him.

Are you sure you dont need any return from him? Are you sure you dont need his care?

Why you are so sad? Why you will be moody if you get nothing.

How will you feel sorry for it? So dont think that you are so in love with him is great, perhaps he did not care how you pay for him.

Sometimes the love you give him is a burden that may only make him more like the burden away from you.

You have to know you're not the girl he wants you to do another sound no match for people. That position did not you. Why should you insist to squeeze onto the go?

You say you know everything, but you do not try your best.

Love him was not your fault, care him is not your fault, could not control yourself not your fault.

But that is your way, people can not accept your so-called selfless love.

So if you love him, he does not love you, thn please do not try to let him know.

Even if you will be sad, or even sad tears to please, even the silent force yourself, must be endured.

Silly girl, forget it, all your nostalgia. Yourmemories. You have already had.

Those, have a memory.

Missing is not terrible, the most terrible is unable to face the problem.

Silly girl, you can not give up easily.

Because you pay off. Already paid, it will be like pillars as rooted in mind.

Do not bother to escape. Deliberately forgotten.

That makes you more pain. Around the columns, looking for future happiness and live it.

At there, have your ideal.

Silly girl, start a new habit of it. Habits, one person every day life.

Habits, one birthday or walking alone. Habits, through the familiar path.

The face of familiar scene. You can not escape.

To brave, reality the reality is.

Everything painted on the period.

Silly girl, courageous look at yourself in the mirror.

Sounded weak and emaciated that their grief. This is You.

Growing you, is gradually dying.

A New You, be reborn. Find your way, your future.

You will know all of the catastrophe is growing memorial.

Make the best of their own. Even, Alone.

Silly girl, vent it. Dont forget after vent over.

We should take heart.

Check it out! You lose, negligible.

There are so many people care about you with different ways.

So, you are not alone.

Silly girl, not worth it.

The past dust-laden bar. Do not wronged, do not be reconciled.

Start a new ride, to meet the new landscape, a new fortune.

Do what you should do.

Silly girl, life had faded colour, being quiet.

Do not sink in this quite inside. It will destroy you to meet another nice person.

Now, I treat you nice, nice, nice. You do not. You do not care. You so not cherish.

When a day you are hurt, think of me. Think that how I feel, is how you feel now.

At the time I could not live up to now as always I DO, DESPITE all of yours.

It turned out to give up a person, and finally force out by the other side.